Modified Myers Cocktail


Ingredients: 1 Liter of Normal Saline, B-Complex, Vitamin C, B12, B5, B6, and Magnesium or Taurine


Low Energy and Fatigue:
The combination of vitamins and minerals in the Myers cocktail can provide a boost of energy and reduce feelings of fatigue.

Stress Management:
Certain nutrients in the cocktail, such as magnesium and vitamin C, have calming effects and may aid in managing stress and anxiety.

Immune System Support:
The blend of vitamins, particularly vitamin C, can help strengthen the immune system, making it beneficial for individuals prone to infections or those looking to support their overall immune health.

Dehydration and Hydration:
The IV therapy can help with dehydration by rapidly replenishing fluids and essential nutrients, making it useful for individuals who are dehydrated due to illness or other reasons.

Muscle Recovery and Athletic Performance:
The cocktail may assist with muscle recovery after intense physical activity and potentially improve athletic performance.

Headaches and Migraines:
Some people find relief from chronic headaches or migraines through the use of a Myers cocktail, possibly due to the magnesium content.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain:
Myers cocktail therapy has been used as an adjunct treatment for fibromyalgia and chronic pain, though individual results may vary.

Digestive Disorders:
Some people with digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), may experience relief from symptoms with the help of a Myers cocktail.

Nausea and Vomiting:
For certain individuals experiencing nausea and vomiting, the IV therapy may offer relief and help with rehydration.